Stainless Steel Tubing Installation Best Practices
Never drag tubing off racks
- Use two people to handle longer tube lengths from racks whenever possible.
- Dragging longer tube lengths from racks by oneself may cause:
- O.D. surface scratches causing potential leak points.
- Dents on tubing bends.
- Chips and burrs to be raised on the tubing.
- Protect tubing ends by using end caps.
- Keep the tubing I.D. free of dirt and contamination.
- Store tubes in original crates and protective packaging whenever possible.
Avoid Foot and Hand Rail Tube Location
Guard against tubing runs that may promote:
- Side load
- Safety Hazards
- Tubing damage
Proper Tubing Support
Proper tubing support will reduce vibration and increase the life of tubing, fittings, and equipment throughout a facility.
Proper Tubing Placement
Proper tubing placement is essential when running line throughout a facility.
Determine number of tube fittings and length of tubing required in system design
- Provide for enough tubing to ensure bottoming into fitting bodies (length “L”).
- Allow for accessibility in your system design to prevent damage during assembly and maintenance.
- Follow best practice of marking tubes just above nut when pre-swaging any tube connections to ensure tubes are bottomed during final installation
Questions on why proper tubing handling matters to you? Email or call 866.901.0151.